Electro Uterine Monitor

The Electro Uterine Monitor software provides accurate data and rapid analysis of the uterine state. The system is a diagnostic monitor that can accurately determine the start of labor, based on electromyography technology.
EUM Electrod Posisionning Configuration
Main Features
- Simultaneously multi channel Logging, form different devices, using different technology:
- USB: A real time application receive data from Analog to Digital device connected thought a USB, Supporting a different levels of sampling rates frequencies.
- Serial Port RS232: The software also connected to a 3D positioning sensor connected through a serial input.
- User interaction: collects patient information, system configuration and settings.
- Different layouts for the offline replay which allows a transparently review of the logged data.
Design Considerations
- Development Environment: Choosing MFC visual studio, was fair enough to ensuring high performances in acquisition, saving and display.
- Object Oriented: OOP is claimed to give more flexibility, easing changes to the program in the future.
- Memory management: An advanced buffer design and memory management are required to allow such “real-time data acquisition” and
“signal graphic display” software, to run far form any loss of data and all under the optimized system resources.

EUM Main Screen