Category: Desktop


MAJOR 1.0 © Copyright Geo-Pioneers Ltd.

Program for GPS Network adjustment, transformation and user defined regulation.
As the different types of cadastral points have their own methods of measurement, coordinate computation and quality assurance criteria, In order to obtain a license from the surveying authorities, this software allows surveyors to define the measuring method (which includes the observation net architecture and quality assurance criteria for the measurements), as well as the computation method of each cadastral point type (which includes net adjustment, transformation, results quality assurance, and final report format). The software executes all this process automatically with informing the user about the results of every step till generating the final report for submitting to the surveying authorities.

Main Features:

  • Gross Error Detection method (using Statistical testing & Loop misclosure)
  • Licensed point library.
  • Least Square Adjustment engine.
  • RTK reliability assurance method.
  • Transformation method.
  • Method for calculating Cadastral Boundary points.
  • Regulation and Quality Assurance.
  • Smart Formal Report builder.
Major 1.0 Main Screen

Design Consideration:

  • The Major 1.0 has exceeded the design bounds, and was redesign several times as a result of deep research while the development process, 
    Layering the system architecture and partition it into subsystems was necessary to control such huge project.
  • Planning for change 
  • The project was developed using the VB environment aware to its advantages and limitations.


The PharmaSpenser software application is a store of medications which is managed by a smart and fast robot, intended to optimize the time of dispensing the medication for clients.
Both robot and store are controlled and managed by the PharmaSpenser software.

The PharmaSpenser is the pharmacist interface with the PharmaSpenser robot and store, remote controlling software using
the TCP/IP protocol to manage a Client/Server application, multiple clients can communicate with the robot database in the same time, and all are managed by Queues and requests.


  • Motor Controller Drivers: Communicate with the robot driver via TCP/IP protocol.
  • Data Source: Watching the database of an external cashbox software, in order to match and synchronize new actins.

Design Considerations :

  • Synchronisations Handling client requests received by the machine controller, and executing them according to FIFO method (First In First Out) .
  • Database Mirroring: the central database is been changed frequently and all workstations should be up to date all the time from the central         database.

Coordinate Transformation Tool™

© Copyright Geo Pioneers Ltd.

Program for common GPS transformations for geodetic uses. it enables survivors to Fit their GPS measurements from the WGS’84 Datum to any Local Datum in the world.

Main Features:

Transformation Model

  • This Software Application calculates the Spatial Transformation Parameters using the Least Square Adjustment Method in order to fit the GPS measurements to a specific datum.
  • It supports different file formats for Input and Output.
  • It offers a Transformations Model for using RTK.
  • The application automatically separates the control points from the input, calculates the unknown points coordinates and prints these in the reports.

Least Square Undulation Model

  • This software application calculates a Local Undulation Model  N= H-h. H indicates an Ellipsoidal Height, h indicates an Orthometric Height.
  • The calculation is based on Least Square Adjustments Computations.
  • Undulation might be a plane formula, parabola or polynomial.
  • The application automatically separates the control points from the input, calculates the unknown points’ Orthometric height and prints it in the reports.

Design Consideration:

  • The project was developed using the VB environment aware to its advantages and limitations.
  • Planning for change, The GEO-GRID OCX component was developed especially for the CTT to and handle Surveyors GEO Data, such component can be used for future developments.

Highway Speed-Profile

The goal of transportation is generally stated as the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. To achieve this goal, designers use many tools and techniques.
One technique used to improve safety on roadways is to examine the consistency of the design. Design consistency refers to highway geometry’s conformance with driver expectancy. Generally, drivers make fewer errors at geometric features that conform with their expectations.

Figure (3) – Speed Profile, main screen
An inconsistency in design can be described as a geometric feature or combination of features with unusual or extreme characteristics that drivers may drive in an unsafe manner. This situation could lead to speed errors, inappropriate driving maneuvers, and/or an undesirable level of accidents. This program provides an estimate of the expected 85th percentile speed profile of cars and trucks. It also provides an estimate of the design consistency.
It is intended to be used for preliminary highway planning and as an estimation model to identify inconsistencies in horizontal design of two-lane highways. It is not intended to be used as a speed limit determination tool.

Design Considerations

  • Code optimizing : a long and complicated algorithms required an optimal code for decreasing calculations time and performances.
  • Friendly Graphical User Interface: all user interaction are on one single screen, which divided to control panel and window display for the results.

Electro Uterine Monitor

The Electro Uterine Monitor software provides accurate data and rapid analysis of the uterine state. The system is a diagnostic monitor that can accurately determine the start of labor, based on electromyography technology.

EUM Electrod Posisionning Configuration

Main Features

  • Simultaneously multi channel Logging, form different devices, using different technology:
    • USB: A real time application receive data from Analog to Digital device connected thought a USB, Supporting a different levels of sampling rates frequencies.
    • Serial Port RS232:  The software also connected to a 3D positioning sensor connected through a serial input.
    • User interaction: collects patient information, system configuration and settings.
  • Different layouts for the offline replay which allows a transparently review of the logged data.

Design Considerations

  • Development Environment: Choosing MFC visual studio, was fair enough to ensuring high performances in acquisition, saving and display.
  • Object Oriented: OOP is claimed to give more flexibility, easing changes to the program in the future.
  • Memory management: An advanced buffer design and memory management are required to allow such “real-time data acquisition” and
    “signal graphic display” software, to run far form any loss of data and all under the optimized system resources.

EUM Main Screen


Audio platform based on general MIDI sound generator.

We built platform for musical therapeutic instruments for people with special needs. The system is a biofeedback stand alone system that measures the grip force as an input and produces sound as an output.
The system includes display and control switches for browsing the different programs. The output sound is correlated with the input according to different predefined algorithms. The system is based on two chips and grip force sensors. The core of the system is a micro controller “TI MSP430”. The sounds are general midi sounds produced by a standard sound generating chip.

Design Considerations Noise:

The sound of the audio should be clean of noise which requires special attention in board design and in power supply design.
Memory size: The memory in the system is limited to 8Kbyte flash memory. Special care was given to optimizing the code. Real time sampling: The sampling of the inputs should happen at fixed times regardless of any parallel activity that the microcontroller is occupied with.
Product life time: The used components need to serve the project for at least 5 years and preferably 10 years.
The design was executed for AnalogTone.

Vehicle Scheduling

Optimal Determination of vehicle schedules, based on Prof. AVISHAI CEDER research (deficit function bus scheduling with deadheading trip insertions for fleet size reduction). Technion, Haifa.

The buss planning process of a large-scale bus company involves complex and challenging tasks. starting with planning bus stops, planning bus routes, setting time-tables, scheduling busses, and assignment of drivers. Though it is desirable to consider and analyze these components. That is the outcome of each component, is fed as the input to the next one.

The software provides manual and automatic tools for transportation engineers to achieve better planning process and results.