Category: Realtime

Electro Uterine Monitor

The Electro Uterine Monitor software provides accurate data and rapid analysis of the uterine state. The system is a diagnostic monitor that can accurately determine the start of labor, based on electromyography technology.

EUM Electrod Posisionning Configuration

Main Features

  • Simultaneously multi channel Logging, form different devices, using different technology:
    • USB: A real time application receive data from Analog to Digital device connected thought a USB, Supporting a different levels of sampling rates frequencies.
    • Serial Port RS232:  The software also connected to a 3D positioning sensor connected through a serial input.
    • User interaction: collects patient information, system configuration and settings.
  • Different layouts for the offline replay which allows a transparently review of the logged data.

Design Considerations

  • Development Environment: Choosing MFC visual studio, was fair enough to ensuring high performances in acquisition, saving and display.
  • Object Oriented: OOP is claimed to give more flexibility, easing changes to the program in the future.
  • Memory management: An advanced buffer design and memory management are required to allow such “real-time data acquisition” and
    “signal graphic display” software, to run far form any loss of data and all under the optimized system resources.

EUM Main Screen


Audio platform based on general MIDI sound generator.

We built platform for musical therapeutic instruments for people with special needs. The system is a biofeedback stand alone system that measures the grip force as an input and produces sound as an output.
The system includes display and control switches for browsing the different programs. The output sound is correlated with the input according to different predefined algorithms. The system is based on two chips and grip force sensors. The core of the system is a micro controller “TI MSP430”. The sounds are general midi sounds produced by a standard sound generating chip.

Design Considerations Noise:

The sound of the audio should be clean of noise which requires special attention in board design and in power supply design.
Memory size: The memory in the system is limited to 8Kbyte flash memory. Special care was given to optimizing the code. Real time sampling: The sampling of the inputs should happen at fixed times regardless of any parallel activity that the microcontroller is occupied with.
Product life time: The used components need to serve the project for at least 5 years and preferably 10 years.
The design was executed for AnalogTone.